Kim’s Top 3 Healing Foods

My philosophy on food has always been centered around eating in a form as close to its origin as possible. That means eating whole foods prepared in a way that preserves its nutritional value. All whole, unprocessed foods are high on my list but there are some “superfoods” that I absolutely believe we all could benefit from including in our daily diet. Here are 3 of my favorites. These 3 are anti-inflammatory and they are foods our body knows how to metabolize so we get adequate nutrition and energy.

  1. Bone Broth has been used for centuries in many traditional diets because of its many benefits.

    1. Contains macro and trace minerals which our modern diet is lacking

    2. Great source of magnesium and calcium

    3. Good for your joints because it is a natural source of collagen

    4. Easily absorbable so you ensure nutrients are getting into your cells

    5. Anti inflammatory to your digestive track, aids in digestion

      If you make it on your own, it is extremely economical. If you choose to buy it, please choose organic. The best price I have found is at Costco, the Pacific Foods Organic Bone Broth. You can drink it, add it to sauces, use as a base for soups, and saute meat and veggies in it. Recommendation: 1 cup per day

  2. Avocados are simply amazing! They are one of my top foods because they create satiety and they are great for your brain.

    1. They help protect and enhance the function of your brain

    2. Abundant source of healthy fats

    3. High in potassium which helps nurture your vasculature

    4. High in vitamin E which is important for combating oxidative stress

    5. Provides 12g of fiber which is key to feeding the healthy gut bacteria and helping you stay full You can slice or mash them up, add a little sea salt or make a guacamole and add to almost anything. Recommendation: ½-1 whole avocado per day

  3. Sauerkraut (fermented cabbage) is another traditional food that has been around for centuries. The word sauerkraut means “sour cabbage” in German. Through the fermentation process, sauerkraut produces beneficial probiotics that are linked to improvements in immune, cognitive, digestive, and endocrine functions. I love that they provide a first line of defense in your gut against any bad bacteria that may get in there. Add sauerkraut to any dish to add flavor or just eat it out of the jar. Recommendation: 2 T per day


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